
為何此網? Why this site?




。。。Automatic English Translation from Chinese👇 。。。

Since ancient times, the evil one has been good at making falsehoods, creating and spreading myths, and leading the public to worship idols and false gods. It is difficult for archaeologists to dispel superstitions even if they try hard to find counter-evidence.

As we enter the 20th/21st century Internet era, the originally backward “Qin Kingdom” has experienced dramatic changes, especially the complexity of the Church’s rapid growth in suffering from the Cultural Revolution to the opening up of the country, which has left outsiders in a state of confusion.

In addition to new heresies and cults, the church has also seen the emergence of many false prophets, apostles, and shepherds. Taking advantage of the hidden sinfulness of the Lord’s workers, the evil one has created an unprecedented special phenomenon of “the Heavenly Man” at the beginning of the 21st century, bringing the church, especially in the West, into a dark cloud of confusion. But God has also prepared His hidden vessels to fulfill His good purposes. Some of the Taiwanese brothers, who had an in-depth understanding of the interaction among the four major groups of the church in Henan in the early 1990s, were deeply concerned about the imminent return of Jesus and set up this website, which was later succeeded by the pioneers of the “Prayers for the Righteousness of the First”, who continued to serve as whistleblowers and recorders, and to help the church turn the clouds to the light.

天上人- 教會史上最大的一場大哄騙



這裡會陸續陳列出近代教會歷史的重要文件,關乎在中國出土的回歸耶路撒冷運動(BTJ,Back to Jerusalem)。這BTJ運動從頭就有支持和反對的衆多聲音,非常奇特,史無前例。海外華人真正知情者避免表態,十幾年來網路資訊一面倒,凡是網上Google Wiki等 能查到的都是有背後利害關係的非華人的片面説辭,可謂黑雲滿天,是非常怪異的現象。神不會做錯事,十年時間已經為從前爭論的事實提供了無聲的答案。人需要根據已發生的不爭事實冷靜思考,明白神的更高美意。爲了公平起見,本站會把正反雙方的立論和證據都列出,讓人可以自己判斷。


。。。Automatic English Translation from Chinese👇 。。。

From the large number of people deceived by false testimonies, the multitude of pastors and servants who have been exploited, the enormous amount of donations monopolized, the prolonged delay in time, the wide range of implications involved, and Satan’s four schemes that encompass everything – it is beyond measure for both Chinese and Western missionary leaders to comprehend their helplessness. If no one can provide a greater example, then the Tian Shang Ren incident is not only the biggest scam in Chinese churches for over two hundred years but also unprecedented in New Testament churches for over two thousand years. The problem is significant but not insurmountable for God. He has prepared intercessors scattered throughout various locations who are unaffected by personal interests or emotional entanglements. This is God’s mercy towards them. Joining the ranks of seeking righteousness first is welcomed!

This is a webpage that ultimately makes people grateful and praise God. It is constructive for God’s people, following God’s good will, allowing the body of Christ to grow and mature, first among Chinese and then among non-Chinese.

Here will be displayed a series of important documents on the recent history of the church, related to the Back to Jerusalem movement (BTJ) that emerged in China. This BTJ movement has attracted both support and opposition, which is quite unusual and unprecedented. Those who truly understand the situation among overseas Chinese have refrained from taking a stance. Over the past decade, online information has been overwhelmingly biased, with one-sided narratives from non-Chinese sources such as Google and Wiki, all driven by hidden interests. It can be said that there is a cloud of misinformation hanging over us, creating a very peculiar phenomenon. God does not make mistakes; ten years have already provided silent answers to past debates. People need to calmly reflect based on undeniable facts that have occurred and understand God’s higher purpose. In order to be fair, this website will present arguments and evidence from both sides so that individuals can judge for themselves.

This webpage only provides important information for careful consideration, without any discussion or response function. It does not accept donations and there are no extra funds or public relations departments, translation departments. Therefore, if multiple people browse at the same time, congestion may occur. Please understand. Welcome to translate. The God who governs the history of the church deserves praise!


箴 24:23,24 審判時看人情面是不好的。對惡人說「你是義人」的,這人萬民必咒詛,列邦必憎惡。

申 1:17 審判的時候,不可看人的外貌,聽訟不可分貴賤;不可懼怕人,因為審判是屬乎神的。

箴 6:1,2 我兒,你若為朋友作保,替外人擊掌, 你就被口中的話語纏住,被嘴裡的言語捉住。

出 23:8 不可受賄賂,因為賄賂能叫明眼人變瞎了,又能顛倒義人的話。

出 20:16 不可作假見證陷害人。

箴 12:17,19 說出真話的,顯明公義;作假見證的,顯出詭詐。口吐真言,永遠堅立;舌說謊話,只存片時。

申 7:25-26 他們雕刻的神像,你們要用火焚燒;其上的金銀,你不可貪圖,也不可收取,免得你因此陷入網羅;這原是耶和華-你神所憎惡的。 可憎的物,你不可帶進家去;不然,你就成了當毀滅的,與那物一樣。你要十分厭惡,十分憎嫌,因為這是當毀滅的物。

太 7:22,23 當那日,必有許多人對我說:『主啊,主啊,我們不是奉你的名傳道,奉你的名趕鬼,奉你的名行許多異能嗎?』 我就明明地告訴他們說:『我從來不認識你們。你們這些作惡的人,離開我去吧!』

路 17:33,34 凡想要保全生命的,必喪掉生命;凡喪掉生命的,必救活生命。 我對你們說:當那一夜,兩個人在一個床上,要取去一個,撇下一個.

路 9:23 人到我這裏來,若不愛我勝過愛自己的父母、妻子、兒女、弟兄、姐妹,和自己的性命,就不能作我的門徒。

箴 28:23 責備人的,後來蒙人喜悅 ,多於那用舌頭諂媚人的。

Other languages / 徵求外語翻譯義工

Translations in other languages wanted.

本站皆為義務服事,若有認同本站事工、為真理發聲的勇士,所有中文文件都非常歡迎任何有感動的人翻譯任何語言,或自行奉獻委託專業翻譯,期能幫助外國肢體能全盤了解、真正認識其中詭譎。惟若借助機器軟體翻譯仍有詞不達意之處,其中成語難翻譯處大可意譯,長篇解釋無妨。譯者自負翻譯文責。翻譯無需也不可能完美,若有未盡或不夠準確之處讀者也會諒解。請將譯文寄到lin.mushi <at> gmail.com (林慕實),註明具體名字和聯絡方式(電郵地址不會公開,只供必要時聯絡詢問用)。正如聖經有許多譯本一樣,若有其他譯文版本將會一併公開,讓讀者參考比較之!謝謝支持&義務協助!


由於BTJ 和天上人問題都是從華人教會內部出來的議題,是和中國家庭教會與華人互動習性密切相關,非華人不易透視明白。故內部人的一切陳述和揭發均以中文進行,一切討論和有意義的爭辯都以華文進行為主。


。。。Automatic English Translation from Chinese👇 。。。

This website is a non-profit service for the whole body of the Lord. Please help translate all the Chinese original documents in other languages, so that non-Chinese Christians can understand them. You can upload them with the original on any website and send them to lin.mushi <at> gmail.com (Not for other questions). The translator is responsible for his / her translation.
The Back to Jerusalem and the problem with The Heavenly Man are a 100% Chinese issue. The main language for all explanations and discussions is Chinese.